the Hero's Journey

A Dark Night of the Soul is intrinsic to the Hero's Journey. Feeling that you are dying is really the pain of re-birth. Once begun, there is no going back and no blue pill that will return you to the way you were. 

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Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing method that helps eliminate your limiting beliefs and data. The great thing is, you don’t even have to know what these limiting beliefs are.

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The Four Agreements

Everything we do is based on agreements we have made - agreements with ourselves, with other people, with God, with life. But the most important agreements are the ones we make with ourselves.

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Whose Side Are You ON?

Left/Right politics serves only to destroy. It is not about balance and fairness. It has been dividing people and destroying lives since it began. It is a battle-line drawn that demands you choose a side.

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The Fear Factor

Fear of the unknown has plagued Mankind since we awakened on this planet. It is always best to know your 'enemy' and the true nature of it. Knowledge and Courage are two of the greatest tools at our disposal.

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Dannion Brinkley

"To carry visions of the world to come is to bear the burden of a heavy load. Our future is truly in our hands. The Beings of Light believe in us. Perhaps it is time we more fully believe in us as well."  ~ Dannion Brinkley

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Leigh Dundas

"Heroes are not made in times of peace, and the reality is that we are the heroes upon whom we’ve been waiting. Is not just a thing of beauty, but the real purpose behind our existence on this planet." ~ Leigh

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The Solari Report

Our mission is to help you live a free and inspired life. We believe that personal and family wealth is a critical ingredient of individual freedom, community health, and well being.

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"They Fear Those With Knowledge and Control Those Without It." This site has more information to offer than anyone could possibly digest in a lifetime.

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Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner may be the most important cultural figure who is largely unknown even to very well-informed people. Why does that matter? Because of where human beings are standing today.

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Propaganda Exposed

After losing several family members to cancer, Ty & Charlene refused to accept that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were the most effective treatments available for cancer patients.

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Amazing Polly

Polly St. George has been researching and documenting the New World Order's predatory system and its cast of characters for almost 20 years. She is hated by the global elite but beloved by a worldwide audience.

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One Great Work Network is a privately-organized collective of Conscious Individuals, who each create dynamic content for the purpose of spreading the message of Natural Law, Truth, and Freedom to a worldwide audience.

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