Amazing Polly
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Amazing Polly

Canadian Podcaster



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"Our entire culture is narcissistic and we are all being thought-reformed through Global psychological warfare and trauma programming."

Polly uses her channel to research and commentary on current events and history. She enjoys discussing morality, truth, integrity, and how to keep sane, strong, and whole while swimming in a soup of gaslighting and  lies, smear campaigns, and psychological warfare.

"I’ve done video after video about how they are trying to break our will so that we will accept the new rules of the game that they want to bring in. Those new rules have so many names, like ‘Agenda 21’; ‘Agenda 2030’; ‘The Green Revolution’; ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’; ‘The Great Reset’; ‘Build Back Better’; ‘The New World Order’; and more."

Polly St. George has been researching and documenting the New World Order's predatory system and its cast of characters for almost 20 years. Banned by Big Tech for her exposure of corruption in governments, media, NGOs and corporations, she is hated by the global elite but beloved by a worldwide audience.