Checking the Fact Checkers
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Checking the Fact Checkers

Realize the Lies



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If you're looking to the Fact Checkers [I affectionately call them 'Check Fackers'] to check your facts for you, you may NEVER know the truth. Truth can usually be found in the middle and seen in the results.

Your first challenge may be actually WANTING to know the truth. Can you handle it?

Whether the source is left or right; a respected publication; a local journalist; or any of the so-called unbiased fact-checking professionals, you need to do your own homework. Cross-referencing with a variety of actual experts will help you find the pieces to put the puzzle together.

The main issue with trying to discern the Truth of things, are the lies and half-truths being told on both sides. You know what they say about opinions - we all have them - but they are only valuable if they are actually true.

There are those who love to sensationalize and make everything seem to be more diabolical than it actually is. Unfortunately, the 'diabolicalness' going on in the world these days is off the chart. Because people are inherently trusting creatures, it is not hard for the villains to take advantage of every angle and make it very difficult for us to understand what is real.

My philosophy is that if it's on main stream news, chances are it is somewhere between a half-truth and a blatant lie, especially if you're hearing the same message almost verbatim on each channel. Also, if some controversial character has made a statement and the 'Check Fackers' are jumping all over it, quite likely it is at least mostly true. Now that AI has set up camp in our midst, our discernment skills are going to have to step up double-time.

Our constant refrain here at Awakened Nexus is -

  • Educate Yourself
  • Use Discernment
  • Consider the Facts Before Your Eyes
  • Witness the Results
  • Realize the Lies
  • Stay in Truth!

Conspiracies and Their Theorists

Conspiracies are contrived things, and have existed pretty much since humans began. To conspire simply means, 'to act in harmony toward a common end'. It's up to the conspirators as to whether the conspiracy is benign or malign. Conspiracies can be anything from planning a surprise birthday party, to planning an assassination. It's all about intent.



A conspiracy theory is speculation on something that might be, due to what appears to be. It's what thinking people do; they try to figure things out by looking at the facts. A good theorist does their best to look at ALL the facts, without an agenda, and truly wants to know the truth.

'Conspiracy Theorist' is what most people get labeled to dis-credit them when they are trying to figure out why certain bad things are happening and who might be the perpetrators. Many people use the term as an automatic insult when it comes to subjects that are just too uncomfortable to be considered true.


This article  is a perfect example of information that is being put forth, claiming to be 'Fact-Checking' the so-called Conspiracy Theories.

  • First of all - If they call those trying to point out the truth conspiracy theorists, most likely they are trying to keep you from seeing the actual truth.
  • Secondly - Counting on government standards to keep us safe has never proven to actually keep us safe - historically speaking.
  • Thirdly - These kind of articles are full of statements like, "Experts say..."; "Studies show..."; and our personal favorite, "Safe & Effective". Typically, these 'Fact Checkers' show no science to back their claims, and the 'experts' they do sight tend to say things like, "...there’s likely hardly a trace of EO remaining."

Did you actually test it, or are you just guessing?

While the article is agreeing that Ethylene Oxide[EtO] is indeed being used on the swabs, and that it IS a known carcinogen, the authors are claiming emphatically there is 'no evidence' that the swabs are dangerous.

"The sterilization process is tightly controlled to ensure any residue left over is negligible, making medical equipment safe to use." 

This is what one could call "Rhetorical Regurgitation".

Just because some so-called authority makes an official statement that something is safe does not make it so, nor even likely. Consider how many decades they have been using these 'safe and effective' chemicals and consider how disease and illness have accelerated in those decades. You may also want to consider how the profit margins have soared for the chemical and medical industries.

And by the way, those who have been using these safe & effective sterilization processes are now switching things over to 'safer products', such as vaporized hydrogen peroxide to help reduce the toxicity factors of manufacturing and using EtO.

You can learn more in this article - Ethylene Oxide

from - Fact-checking the Fact Checkers , by Hugo Gurdon

"Fact-checking has grown beyond recognition in the past 25 years and chokes the news business like a parasitic vine... It’s more than a decade since I told my reporters not even to refer in their stories to fact-checkers’ findings. Because they’re irrelevant... Yet fact-checking has spread like a nasty rash over the nether regions of our profession... It is time for the news business to admit that 'fact-checking' is a tiresome, misleading, and dishonest blight on actual reporting."

Gurdon also states that fact checkers' conclusions reveal nothing useful. I would disagree only that, you can pretty much count on the fact that any point the check fackers are trying to negate may be just the truth you were looking for.

from Murphy’s technology laws -
An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less,
until he knows absolutely everything about nothing.

Check that, Fact-Checkers!