Whose Side Are You ON?
Laura Bruce

Whose Side Are You ON?

Choose Life!



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Let it be understood that I am NOT a Trump fan. I don’t condone, nor condemn the man. He is playing a part, like all the other clowns in the circus of politics. Whether or not one finds the show entertaining is up to the individual.

To those who think Trump being found guilty is a good thing, please consider the following. Set aside your abnormal hatred of the man and think of those who adore him. How many millions of people are following him? Why?

Misguided as they may seem, they see him as hope to bring America back to its ill-conceived glory. Most of us have lived in the delusion that we have created a great nation. Indeed, so we have on some levels, but at what cost?

The European people, mostly at the behest of their conquerors, came to this continent and destroyed the people who were here. They felt it was their right and their duty to their monarchs – or whoever paid them best.


Fast forward a couple hundred years, a bunch of guys set down documents, defining the parameters of our nation and then challenged the people to uphold it.

Fast forward another two or three hundred years and what do we have? The monarchs gave not one shit for our puny efforts to establish a free nation. They and their lackeys snuck in like a bunch of cockroaches, corrupting everything as they went.


Now this Trump fellow stands there and says, “Make it Great Again” and millions of starry-eyed patriots buy it. Millions of others hate him for various reasons and the rest look on with a mixture of disbelief, disgust, and amusement at the absolute insanity of it all.

Here’s my point...

All of you clapping your hands with glee, cheering on the destruction, how do you suppose this affects your fellow Americans? These millions who follow Trump are not likely to accept another defeat like 2020 and say, “Oh well, the best man won”, and go home. They’re going to be pissed, grieved, demoralized, crushed.


This sentiment affects the whole. Not only that, these starry-eyed flag-wavers are mostly the backbone of the country. They build, fix, and run the machines of our infrastructure. What happens if they rebel, are killed, or just quit?

Who’s going to step into their shoes? What happens to America?

Those of you cheering and jeering and hating this one man with such vehemence – how is this affecting YOU? Who are you really hating and why? What good is it doing you?  Can you stop it? Perhaps a little introspection is in order. Hatred has its place but it has become the acid that is eating away at the foundation of our world.

Left/Right politics serves only to destroy. It is not about balance and fairness. It has been dividing people and destroying lives since it began. It is a battle-line drawn that demands you choose a side. The ones who draw the lines are the ones we need to beware of – not our neighbors and loved ones, who just want to live free.



Choose abundance for all. Left and right is in the palms of our hands – not in the concepts we hold.

We all need the same things – clean air, water, and food; a safe place to live; Love and a sense of purpose.

We CAN create without destroying and we must decide to do this or there will be nothing left to fight over, nor to live for.