Dannion Brinkley
Laura Bruce

Dannion Brinkley

a Walking Miracle



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In 1975, during a thunderstorm, Dannion Brinkley was talking on the telephone when a bolt of lightning hit the phone line, sending thousands of volts into his head and down through his body. Brinkley was thrown across the room, and later reported seeing his lifeless body spread prone, as the paramedics arrived.

As doctors pronounced Brinkley dead at the local hospital, he reportedly found himself - or more specifically, his spirit-self - traveling through a dark tunnel toward an angelic being who led him into a 'crystal city'. There he entered a 'cathedral of knowledge', where he was shown 13 visions contained in what he termed 'boxes'.  The 'beings of light' also showed him 117 glimpses of possible future events, of which 95 have come to pass (by his count) in early 1998.

Dannion  is well known for his extraordinary life story. His ability to survive against seemingly impossible odds includes enduring two lightning strikes, open-heart surgery, brain surgery and a massive grand mal seizure. After four NDEs (near death experiences) many concur that Brinkley is a 'walking miracle'.

His books, lecture tours and workshops have literally transformed the consciousness of  audiences the world over. Brinkley has taught millions not to fear the presently held concept of dying. For as a result of his journeys to the ‘other side’ and back again, Dannion brings to the forefront the wondrous truth that there is indeed no such thing as death.

In reaching out to the public all around the globe, Dannion imparts a paramount message designed to empower his listeners, teaching them step by step how to find purpose, power, and greatness in their lives. Dannion has been praised as ‘the best orator in the field’ by many of his compeers on the lecture circuit. His lighthearted and uproariously humorous delivery makes his lecture and workshop presentations much in demand.

To carry visions of the world to come is to bear the burden of a heavy load. I have carried this burden since 1975. That year, in the heart of the Crystal City, Thirteen Beings of Light impressed my consciousness with over one hundred visions of the world’s possible destiny. Although the Beings also infused me with the knowing that what I saw was “not necessarily cast in stone,” the visions they imparted were the probable outcome if we stayed the course we were currently creating.

One of the scarier aspects of the visions was that the future truly is in our hands. The hands of humankind, often shaky and worn rough by the passage of many thousands of years, behold a might and power often unknown to them.

The Beings of Light believe in us. Perhaps it is time we more fully believe in us as well. ~ Dannion Brinkley

End of Life Steward

Dannion has been a hospice volunteer for over forty-two years, having personally accrued more than 34,000 hours at the bedside, with over 2000 people and being with more than 348 as they took their last breath. These years of tremendous hands-on experience qualify him as a leading expert in the grief and bereavement process as well as being an authority in the field of necrophobic reduction. He is one of the early crusaders of hospice and palliative care, bringing the topic of end of life care to the forefront of discussion and education in America. He formed a non-profit organization, The Twilight Brigade - Compassion in Action to recruit hospice volunteers for dying Veterans. The National Hospice Association in 2001 nominated him for the prestigious Heart of Hospice Award.

As the 13 Beings of Light imparted to me: “We are heroes and heroines to have come here. And the future is not carved in stone.”

Now that I have shown you the future as it was shown to me, what will you do? What will you do, personally, to make your world a better place? Remember this: You were chosen to come here, at this particular point and place in history because there was no one else who could do what you do, exactly as you can do it!

You are an exquisitely unique spark of the Divine, and your life makes a difference. Avow to use it, every day, in ways that will make that difference!

Dannion has written several best-seller books including, Saved by the Light, Secrets of the Light, and At Peace in the Light. Check them out at GoodReads.
