Canadian Covid Care Alliance - CCCA
Laura Bruce

Canadian Covid Care Alliance - CCCA

Truth in Science



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from the Canadian Covid Care Alliance website...

The Canadian Covid Care Alliance - CCCA  is a volunteer-run organization with over 700 Canadian physicians, researchers, healthcare practitioners, and legal & ethical professionals. These include virologists, vaccinologists, immunologists, psychologists, coroners, medical ethicists, medical doctors from a variety of specialties,  professors from Canadian universities, allied healthcare professionals, and lawyers from across Canada. There are hundreds of additional members with diverse areas of expertise beyond healthcare and medical sciences.


In early 2021, after nearly a year of crisis, a number of Canadians were actively researching the science underlying the Covid-19 pandemic, seeking information and evidence from world experts. In response to communications from Canadians, Dr. Peter McCullough connected several Canadians, and within 3 days in March 2021, that reach out resulted in the first weekly meeting of Canadians in the group that became Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA).  Within a month, the CCCA was named, and adopted its charter and mission statement. Shortly after, it was incorporated as a not-for-profit organization. The CCCA has grown in membership and reputation, attracting Canadians and people around the world who are seeking balanced, unbiased views about the issues related to Covid-19.

Our Mission

Independent Canadian scientists and doctors providing top quality, balanced, evidence-based information to educate the public about Canada’s response to Covid-19, to overcome fear, reduce hospitalizations, save lives, restore our country, and give people a sense of hope.

Our Priorities
  • Research
  • Prevention
  • Treatment
  • Education
  • Advocacy

from the National Citizen's Inquiry website... 


A Citizen-Led Inquiry Into Canada’s COVID-19 Response

Canada’s federal and provincial governments’ COVID-19 policies were unprecedented. These interventions into Canadians’ lives, our families, businesses, and communities were, and to great extent remain, significant. In particular, these interventions impacted the physical and mental health, civil liberties and fundamental freedoms, jobs and livelihoods, and overall social and economic wellbeing of nearly all Canadians.

These circumstances demand a comprehensive, transparent, and objective national inquiry into the appropriateness and efficacy of these interventions, and to determine what lessons can be learned for the future. Such an inquiry cannot be commissioned or conducted impartially by our governments as it is their responses and actions to the COVID-19 which would be under investigation.

The National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI) is a citizen-led and citizen-funded initiative that is completely independent from government. In early 2023, the NCI will hear from Canadians and experts and investigate governments’ COVID-19 policies in a fair and impartial manner.

The NCI’s purpose is to listen, to learn, and to recommend. What went right? What went wrong? How can Canadians and our governments better react to national crises in the future in a manner that balances the interests of all members of our society?