Truth for Health Foundation

Truth for Health Foundation

Medical Freedom - Defending Life & Freedom



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from the Truth For Heath website...

Truth for Health Foundation is a physician-founded 501(c)3 public charitable foundation incorporated in the state of Arizona, USA. We are dedicated to following the Oath of Hippocrates to serve individual patients to the best of our ability and judgement and to uphold the highest standards of medical ethics.

The fight for medical freedom continues to escalate every day and is ramping up on multiple fronts with Truth for Health Foundation squarely in the center. We envision a world where people choose their path to live fully as human beings according to the physical and spiritual laws of life as God designed us.

As a result of the assault on our core freedoms from all directions, Truth for Health Foundation Executive Team responded to this urgent need and has broadened the scope of our Medical Freedom Fund to create an entire Medical Freedom Program with several components to keep pace with a dynamic and ever-evolving environment that necessitated expansion beyond the initial Medical Censorship Legal Defense Fund established in June 2021.

We are working tirelessly and urgently to educate, advocate for, and help individuals across many fields—medicine; science; private and federal employees; and military service members and their families—all of whom who are experiencing medical censorship, egregious government and private employer interference with our core Constitutional human and civil rights secured by law at state, federal and guaranteed by the United States Constitution.



The fight for medical freedom continues to escalate every day and is ramping up on multiple fronts with Truth for Health Foundation squarely in the center.  We are working tirelessly and urgently to educate, advocate for, and help individuals across many fields—medicine, science, private and federal employees, and military service members and their families—all of whom who are experiencing medical censorship, egregious government and private employer interference with our core Constitutional human and civil rights secured by law at state, federal and guaranteed by the United States Constitution. In a very short time, our work in securing medical freedom has become much larger than just medical censorship legal defense.


The COVID Care Strategy Team rescues patients and families from hospitals. If you or someone you know is being involuntarily held and are risking loss of life by deadly hospital COVID protocols TAKE ACTION NOW. We can help!

Please visit the Truth For Health website to learn about all their programs and to benefit from their help.