You spend decades - even centuries - convincing the public that they are not very intelligent, but that you are.
You begin to slowly poison the environment - food; water; air; soil - ultimately compromising every living creature that depends on it.
You corrupt science and all of its findings, creating pseudo-science.
You concoct chemical combinations, mimicking and mocking nature.
You take over all forms of communication, including education and media; making sure that the people are saturated with false information and half-truths.
You pit people against each other, convincing them that anyone who is not like themselves is their enemy.
Meanwhile... have created monuments to illness called hospitals. All ye who enter here are promised that modern medicine is a miracle and has replaced the intelligence of nature. The body’s immune system is inferior and no longer necessary.
Now that you have poisoned the environment and sickened the people, you can offer them chemical solutions that will exacerbate the destruction of their Health.
Their minds are confused with conflicting information; their hearts are broken from witnessing the destruction of the world and their children’s future; they can no longer think for themselves and feel they have no choice but to continue on this path.
Politicians keep promising a better tomorrow and the media promises that science will save them. You now have the people right where you want them.
You add the finishing touch – a 'killer' virus that has never been seen before. Throw around some outrageous numbers and make sure the media is screaming 'Fear & Death!' 24-7 and - Viola! The world is at your mercy.
Many other steps and details can be added to this formula, but this is a good outline. With these steps, any hard-core psychopath could easily take over the world and destroy life as we know it.
...there are those of us who are immune to this formula. We see things a little differently and somehow, we have not fallen victim to the lies and deceit. Furthermore, we are not going to allow this 'Plandemic' to succeed!
One of the main weapons we wield is Truth; another is Courage. Above all, Love is on our side and there are forces unseen who we can count on when we Trust in Ourselves.