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Arts of Deception
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Behind The Curtain

Arts of Deception

Word Play



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Life teaches us that words often carry one meaning when they apply to the average citizen and quite another when applied to the so-called ruling class. Much of today's psychosis is due to the cognitive dissonance experienced when we are told the world is a certain way but all indicators are pointing in other directions. Gaslighting has become the norm, it would seem.

This article was birthed after considering some of the names of the many organizations that have been developed to ‘help the world’ and realizing that, while they mouth all kinds of platitudes and have polished slogans about their accomplishments, their actions belie them and what they are really up to is often written plainly in the titles they choose. The average person just sees the facade. We encourage you to look deeper.

Who or what can we trust? Trust in yourself! Educate yourself!
Educated people are much harder to manipulate.

Philanthropy, a Misused Term


Philanthropy is described as, 'Goodwill to fellow members of the human race, especially an active effort to promote human welfare; an act or gift done or made for humanitarian purposes.'

Apparently, the philanthropist title can be purchased these days for a few billion dollars or with a cult of personality. If you look at a list of so-called philanthropists, it includes people like John D. Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, etc. Even Lady Gaga is listed as a philanthropist. Siting a troubled past, she is considered to be a ‘shining example’ to young people all over the world. It is widely accepted that performers are eccentric and outrageous, but this girl ain’t right. Do a search on her performances to learn more about her message.

Warren Buffett has pledged over $30 billion in Berkshire Hathaway stock to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has contributed $75.8 billion toward healthcare, extreme poverty, education, and access to information technology. George Soros has contributed $32 billion toward healthcare; anti-fascist publications; human rights; economic, legal, and social reform. There’s a whole list of individuals who have contributed multi, multi billions of dollars, largely toward education, healthcare, ending world hunger and war, etc.

For some reason, all those billions seem not to have made a dent in any of these issues. Considering the condition of our world, you have to wonder where all that money is going and why so many people are still ill, starving, and dying. One also has to wonder if the bulk of the money isn’t just going into funding the organizations they keep creating – all of which claim to be helping ‘underprivileged’ people, who never seem to actually get helped.

Either they are doing it wrong or they're doing it on purpose.


Organizations for Everything

If you look deeply into the history of our world, you will find that all the major issues - poverty; starvation; war; etc. have perpetrators who initiate and exacerbate these scenarios. Then, claiming to champion the cause, they formulate multitudinous organizations - all of which they supervise. Wikipedia lists almost 25,000.

One might speculate that these manufactured issues are an investment strategy that they can throw billions of dollars into and get trillions in return. Very lucrative for them – very destructive for the world.

In order to better understand the information that we’re all being inundated with, you first need to discern 'propaganda' - ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause – verses actual fact.

Propaganda has been utilized by tyrants since the beginning of the world to bend people’s minds in certain directions. Because people are collectively easy-going, pleasure-loving, and largely naïve [some would say ignorant and lazy], we tend to believe that the information in front of us is true and certainly not meant to lead us astray.

Well, led astray we have certainly been and off a cliff we are headed.


One of these benevolent organizations is named the Nuclear Threat Initiative – NTI. Let us examine this title, and compare its presumed meaning to its actual purpose. I think we are all clear on what a ‘nuclear threat’ might be, so let’s look at the word ‘initiative’ to be clear of its meaning.

In·i·tia·tive  (ĭ-nĭsh′ə-tĭv)n.
1. The power or ability to begin or to follow through energetically with a plan or task; enterprise and determination.
2. A beginning or introductory step; an opening move
Synonyms – action; aggressiveness; ambition; drive; enterprise; go; hustle

Now, the NTI site claims that it is, “Building a safer world through innovation, cooperation, and action” and that it “…is a nonprofit, nonpartisan global security organization”. Its mission is – “To transform global security by driving systemic solutions to nuclear and biological threats imperiling humanity.”

Very noble, this would seem, yet its very title would suggest otherwise. The words, ‘Nuclear Threat Initiative’ would describe the action of 'initiating a nuclear threat', as opposed to perhaps ‘Nuclear Threat Protection, or Abolishment, or Nullification, or Termination’.

Do you see the difference? Substitute ‘Initiative’ with any of the synonyms and see how the meaning changes. Nuclear Threat Action. Nuclear Threat Aggressiveness. Nuclear Threat Ambition. Nuclear Threat Enterprise. Perhaps you see the point.

Also, NTI's intent is to ‘Transform Global Security’. Organizations such as these use nebulous words like 'transform' as a marketing term, which does not describe their actual purpose. Part of the intent is to placate the public into believing that the organization is ‘doing good’ and ‘keeping you safe’. Quite often the results are a loss of your rights and freedoms for the safety they claim to provide.

These many organizations that are created to keep the public safe, give lip service to benevolent concepts in order to convince the public that they are the heroes. They use phrases such as ‘Helping the underprivileged’ and ‘Stopping world hunger’, while literally doing just the opposite. Why are they not stopping whoever is creating these problems?

NTI is just one example of the thousands of organizations which have been established to ‘protect’ us from the terrorists and evil-doers. What we need to realize is that those who are initiating such organizations are the ones we need to be protected from – not by.

If you need more evidence, consider the players at NTI – Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway; Ted Turner, CNN founder; former Senator Sam Nunn – a life-long politician and no-doubt, a fine fellow. Men like these have their fingers in everybody’s pie and are part and parcel to the manipulation of our world. They are not philanthropic, nor do they have the people’s best interests in mind, no matter what they claim. They are businessmen and profit is their motivation. If a few million people’s lives are destroyed along the way – it’s just the cost of doing business.

Schwab & the WEF

Speaking of self-appointed world leaders, let’s look at Klaus Schwab and the WEF – World Economic Forum.


Schwab is being described as possibly the most danger man in the world. No need for much elaboration here since a quick search yields all kinds of information; very little of it favorable. Here are a few links to learn more about him - Conservapedia on Schwab and the WEF ; also The Most Dangerous Man in the World.

From Wikipedia - The World Economic Forum and its annual meeting in Davos have received criticism over the years. Challenges raised about the conference and the WEF include: the organization's corporate capture of global and democratic institutions, and institutional whitewashing initiatives; the public cost of security, the organization's tax-exempt status, unclear decision processes and membership criteria, a lack of financial transparency, and the environmental footprint of its annual meetings. As a reaction of criticism within Swiss society, the Swiss federal government decided in February 2021 to reduce its annual contributions to the WEF.

Here, an interview with Pfizer’s CEO discussing ‘What’s next for the pandemic’. Schwab and his buddies have it all planned out you know.

From an article in the Western Journal -

According to historian and conservative commentator, Victor Davis Hanson, a group of global elites — including leaders of Big Tech companies like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, top government officials, Hollywood power players and the like — have determined that the world would be much better off if economic decisions were made by a central body — in other words, by them.

And then there's the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Reading this, one realizes that not only are they pointing out the pitfalls of the next industrial revolution, but are stating how they are going to guide it and what’s going to happen to you if you don’t play their game. Their intent is to remove us from the natural world and encapsulate us in their AI programs. Anyone who thinks this will be a better life than the one we were given, needs to pull their heads out of their devices and go outside to play.

People like Schwab have decided to take charge of the world and run it according to their own preferences, without bothering to ask the rest of us for our approval. They are basing everything on the idea that mysterious, deadly viruses are lurking in every corner and that they alone can save us. Poor, pathetic peasants! We don’t know how lucky we are to have such benevolent beings as them to protect and guide us from our own ignorance.

What is not included in any of these programs and scenarios is a realistic plan to actually do anything to improve our world and the Health of the people. The invasion of the Earth through mining, the chemical concoctions, the pollution of our air, food, and water all lead to the destruction of our environment and deterioration of our Health. Propaganda, dis-information, and pseudo-science leads to the retardation of our minds and the bastardization of our societies. This is just the short list of issues.

Living outside natural law creates destruction and disharmony. Through our ignorance and complacency WE have helped in the creation of the misery in our world – by default or by design – what does it matter? The results are the same.

Plagues, pandemics, and terrorism are the by-products of the way we are living;
the results of toxic minds creating a toxic world.


Ultimately, the solutions lay in the heart of the People. Fortunately, more and more of us are awakening and educating ourselves so we don’t fall prey to their ideals. This appears to displease them. Apparently, it’s not much fun for them when we won’t play along. They seem perturbed when we point out that they are poisoning our world and object to being probed, injected, and physically manipulated with their mad science. Let us annoy them further!

As always, educate yourself; have the courage to say No! and mean it when you are being coerced into wrong action; protect your loved ones. Our children deserve a future worth living and WE must assure them of that.


Can You Handle the Truth?

Most of us are familiar with the term “You Can’t Handle the Truth!” from the movie, "A Few Good Men". Listen closely to this clip and learn the deeper meaning of this elite attitude toward 'privilege'.

They do not want us to question their authority; they just want us to OBEY!

A Few Good Men 



On a final note –

In this scene from the series, "Left Behind", the antichrist blatantly shoots and kills two men, who are opposing him, in front of a crowd. Because of the shock induced by his actions and his oratory skills, he is able to convince almost everyone in the room to believe a completely different story.

Left Behind – the Movie – The Antichrist Revealed



We are facing such deceptions as these in our world today.
Which Truth shall we live by?