Unity Movement - Canada
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Unity Movement - Canada

Bringing Unity Back to Community



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What do we do and How do we do it?
  • We demonstrate love and respect through our words and actions as an aligned community.
  • We provide opportunities, tools and support to help people connect with others.
  • Community, Conversations, Peace, Harmony and Mutual Respect

We are a united group of community leaders, parents, students, business owners, healthcare professionals, and other concerned citizens who wholeheartedly believe in the power of community and human connection.

We are a community of doers and change makers, who take action to help create the world we want. We reflect the diversity of our communities and support each other regardless of our differences.


We are a grassroots movement to cultivate relationships and create opportunities for people to meet in-person and online to strengthen our connections. We support those who have been negatively impacted or marginalized by restrictive policies and mandates. We provide tools and information to individuals and businesses to help them navigate their rights in the midst of ever-changing policies.

We recognize the inherent value of each individual and treat everyone with kindness and compassion. We believe in empowering people and businesses to create, build, and maintain the things we need and care about. We are inclusive and make space for everybody, knowing it’s the imposed policies that are dividing us, not the people.

We started out banding together as a small group of business owners in British Columbia underneath the hashtag #FREEBC. We started  #OPERATIONGREENLIGHT, which opened 100 gyms, fitness facilities, and yoga studios across BC, and caused the government to shift their policies to open the doors of the gyms. And now our mission is to get the entire country to open their doors, end all restrictions, and give Canadians the right to choose.


Business Resources

At UNITY, we understand the important role businesses play in the local economy, our communities and our way of life. That’s why we have created a hub for business owners and employees to connect, network, receive support, and take action.

We have compiled a list of tips and resources to support local businesses and entrepreneurs as they navigate through the ever-changing public health regulations. Be sure to visit the Unity Website for more information and resources.

If you're in this group, you're in good company!