Stand United Canada
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Stand United Canada

Strength & Honour



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Primary Goals and Objectives

We are going to make it very clear to the media this new year, that we are calling them out for reading a script and for their brainwashing technique, used by tyrants, to propagate their initiatives to subdue the population.

We endeavor to Stand United with all Canadians in order to:

  • Hold broadcasting and news media outlets accountable and to demand fair reporting, unbiased news, and to stop pushing their sponsors and board members' agenda(s).
  • Hold our government officials, such as, Public Health Officers; Members of the Legislative Assembly; Provincial Premiers; etc., accountable to the people they serve.

We Are Pro Choice. One Size Does Not Fit All.

  • We are pro community, we are pro science, and pro research.
  • We are pro health, pro well being, pro safety.
  • We are pro government transparency.
  • We are pro pharmaceutical company accountability.
  • We are pro honesty.
  • We are pro critical thinking.

Strength and Honour

One step at time in the right direction.

We will be prepared to take appropriate actions to ensure our Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Bill of Rights will be honoured here in Canada.Being prepared is the key. We are the people; we are the solution!

Informed Consent Package

This document serves as formal notification that you may be personally responsible for participating—either directly and/or indirectly—in the harms being caused to individuals through the implementation and enforcement of federal and provincial Covid-19 public health policies and measures, including: Covid-19 vaccination and testing mandates, Covid-19 vaccine passports, Covid-19 vaccine administration, violation of medical privacy and autonomy, discrimination against an identifiable group, and other related crimes and liabilities discussed within this notice.
Our notice contains:

  • Pfizer report adverse event charts
  • Bonnie Henry's FOI pkg - admissions she knew the harm perpetuated by her mandate recommendations
  • Informed consent - coercion with mandated jabs
  • QR codes and links to studies
  • QR codes to VAERS, CAERS and UK yellow card reporting systems
  • Ivermectin and Remdesivir information
  • Laws in Canada, Criminal code offences committed, Human rights info, etc.
  • Definition of misfeasance and informed consent


Covid-19 restrictions, policies and mandates are unjustified, unnecessary and have failed - with profound long-term and short-term effects on society!

As a boots on the ground initiative, you are able to take these documents into your local pharmacy, doctors office, dentist office and other places implementing these Covid-19 mandates. You are putting the evidence in their hands so they cannot say they did not know.