Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

VSRF Supports Science



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The primary purpose of VSRF is to advance scientific inquiry as the best way to guide us out of the pandemic.

We present the most up-to-date and relevant information on COVID-19 policies, free from corporate press, agenda-driven narratives, and sponsorships with conflicts of interest.

We encourage questions and an open dialogue of transparency on any medical and scientific information presented.


Covid Vaccine Injury Is Real.


The children, women, and men who suffer due to the COVID vaccines are being censored and ignored.

We Are Being Silenced. Why?

Doctors, scientists and the COVID vaccine-injured are being deplatformed. Learn how and why this is being done.

We are backed by leading scientific and medical experts

Steve Kirsch, Founder & Executive Director ; Robert Malone, MD ; Peter McCullough, MD ; Stephanie Seneff, MD ; Bryam Bridle, PhD ; Ira Bernstein, MD ; Jessica Rose, PhD

Covid Litigation Conference Digital Package Now Available!



We need to knock down the doors of every court that we can, and if the courts say, ‘We’re closed’, we need meaningful legislative reform.  – Civil Rights Attorney & Covid Litigation Conference Keynote Speaker and Panelist, Robert Barnes


The Covid Litigation Conference 2023 (CLC 2023) was an exceptional event that brought together trial lawyers who are advancing Covid-19-related lawsuits. The conference provided attendees with opportunities to network and participate in panel discussions, led by attorneys who are actively involved in Covid-19 litigation.

VSRF needs your expertise, time, and passion.

Join our growing team in support of scientific, rational, and humane COVID-19 pandemic policies.

The Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) is a nonprofit organization that provides information and resources on COVID-19 vaccines, early treatments, and mandates. We encourage the participation of volunteers who support our mission and are willing to contribute.