The Toxic Truth About Food

The Toxic Truth About Food

and What You Can Do About It



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What’s all this talk about the importance of whole, unprocessed, organic food in order to maximize your health, strengthen your immune system to fight off infections (any infection!) and prevent chronic illness? Is it true? Is improving your diet really worth the effort?

Unequivocally….the answer to these questions is - YES!

In this entertaining and educational, hour-long presentation, we (a nurse, a teacher and a master’s level holistic-nutritionist) will take you on a journey. We will go back in time and discover how our food lost its nutritional value, how the food and chemical industries used clever advertising, propaganda and persuasion to not only influence the public’s perspective but to also control public health policies. You’ll see just when and how the food industry became so corrupt.

Most importantly you’ll learn some simple solutions for breaking down the myths around healthy eating and getting to the core of what it really takes for you and your family to be healthy.

Thanks to support from the Centner Academy, we were able to dedicate many hours and spend many months researching and developing this presentation to make it not just educational, but inspirational and practical.


Making even a few changes in your diet and lifestyle from this wealth of incredibly well-researched information would plummet the major chronic diseases our time, including our susceptibility to infectious diseases.

I’ve been privileged to witness through many years of private practice, that such changes will radically improve your health, personal happiness, and financial security. More money and time for the fun of life!  - Laraine C. Abbey-Katzev RN, MS, CNS (Certified Nutrition Specialist)