Reignite World Freedom

Reignite World Freedom

Global Walk Out



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Reignite World Freedom is forming relationships around the world to help implement global, unified and strategic pushback against the globalist agenda. We aim to offer alternatives to organisations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Economic Forum (WEF).

It’s a big dream, and might sound outrageous, but we have to start somewhere. We truly believe we have all the expertise within our networks to bring this dream to life.

The launch crew includes Robert F Kennedy, Jr, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Amanda Forbes, Dr. Robert Malone, and several others.


Reignite World Freedom’s mission is to implement global, unified, and strategic pushback against the globalist agenda ensuring we maintain our individual and collective liberty.

This concept was inspired by the Canadian Truckies who convoyed to their capital city. We all watched in admiration as these brave Truckies stood their ground in the freezing cold. Imagine if the whole global freedom movement participated in a coordinated and organised event simultaneously, and with a shared goal - to show the globalists that we won’t exchange our freedoms for a false sense of security.

The global freedom community is already large enough to impact long-lasting positive change, we just need to unify and strategize TOGETHER. That is why Reignite World Freedom has been created.

You’re in the right place!

We are not inviting you to ‘partner’ with us, we’re inviting you to Work with us 🙂

RWF doesn’t want to ‘take over’ anything. We believe in decentralization. We simply want to CONNECT people so they can collaborate through effective and secure communication.

We won’t be micro-managing or controlling anything. Once groups are formed, they can do what they want. We will only offer suggestions. The key is bringing the right people together, the rest is up to them.

We have processes in place already that can facilitate strategic communication, help to spread initiatives globally, and offer resources and suggestions when needed. Organizations won’t be losing their identity, brand, or autonomy. It’s a chance to share resources and push back together.

Unelected bureaucracies like The World Health Organization (WHO) and The World Economic Forum (WEF) should not have the power to dictate policies in our countries. Let’s send them a clear message they can’t ignore.

Join the Global Walk Out - A unified push-back against the globalist agenda.