Graphene Oxide
Better Living thru Chemistry

Graphene Oxide

The next best 'Green' thing is Black



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Graphene Oxide [GO] in one of the latest and greatest items on the scientific list of interesting things to experiment with. Its versatility is rather phenomenal and there’s practically nothing it won’t do. It is a unique material that can be viewed as a single monomolecular layer of graphite with various oxygen-containing functionalities such as epoxide, carbonyl, carboxyl, and hydroxyl groups.

Graphene - an extremely electrically conductive form of elemental carbon that is composed of a single flat sheet of carbon atoms arranged in a repeating hexagonal lattice

Oxide - a binary compound of oxygen with a more electro-positive element or group

The Future of Graphene is Now


Graphene Oxide [GO] in one of the latest and greatest items on the scientific list of interesting things to experiment with. Its versatility is rather phenomenal and there’s practically nothing it won’t do. Interest in it began around 2004 and less than 20 years later, we are being inundated with it.

There is much benevolent interest in using it to replace the petrochemical industry as the next 'green thing', but as it was when fossil fuels came on the scene, no one seems concerned about how it may negatively affect our world.

It really makes one wonder what the fascination is with toxic substances. We can make almost anything from Hemp or Mushrooms with no toxic side effects.


Article from 2014 in -

"I've been waiting for some time now to write a headline along the lines of,  Scientists discover thing that graphene is not amazing at... and here it is. Everybody’s favorite nano-material may have a plethora of near-magical properties, but as it turns out, it could also be bad for the environment – and bad for you, too.
But it’s only been 10 years since graphene was first isolated in the laboratory, and as researchers and industries scramble to bring graphene out of the lab and into a vast range of commercial applications, far less money is being spent examining its potential negative effects.
They found that the jagged edges of graphene nano-particles, super sharp and super strong, easily pierced through cell membranes in human lung, skin, and immune cells, suggesting the potential to do serious damage in humans and other animals... We’ve got a few years yet before graphene really starts being a big presence in our lives, so the challenge is set to work out how to make it as safe as possible for ourselves and our planet."

Now, less than 10 years later, you can purchase graphene for just about any application imaginable. Just do your shopping here -  and for educational purposes - This company, ACS Material, is very proud of the fact that they carry every kind of graphene available, and are quite psyched to think that this new technology will replace oil and gas and so many other polluting processes. With this technology, "We can change the world", they say. Into what? would be the question. Change can be a very nebulous term.

Unacceptable Levels of Toxicity


Pfizer's C-19 inoculation ingredients originally listed with the FDA: mRNA; lipids ((4hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate); 2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N; N-ditetradecylacetamide; 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3- phosphocholine and cholesterol); potassium chloride; monobasic potassium phosphate; sodium chloride; dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate; sucrose.

According to certain sources, GO is not listed as an ingredient because it is considered a 'Trade Secret', and perhaps it is not included in this particular formula. As you will see in the following articles, GO is not just being experimented with, it is already in many medicines.

According to this Mendeley article...

Graphene oxide nano-particles (GONPs) have attracted a lot of attention due to their many applications. These applications include batteries, super capacitors, drug delivery and bio-sensing. However, few studies have investigated the effects of these nano-particles on the immune system.

After all the experimentation and big words are thrown around in this article, their conclusion is -

The current study shows that GONPs modulate immune system biomarkers and that these may pose a health risk to individuals exposed to this type of nano-particle.

In this PubMed abstract from Feb 2016 –

Benefiting from their unique physicochemical properties, graphene derivatives have attracted great attention in biomedicine... Polyethylene glycol (PEG) and various types of polyethylenimine (PEI) were used as coating polymers... enabling GO-PEG-PEI to serve as a novel vaccine adjuvant... Our work not only presents a novel, highly effective GO-based vaccine nano-adjuvant, but also highlights the critical roles of surface chemistry for the rational design of nano-adjuvants.

From Wikipedia -

Polyethyleneimine [which no one seems to quite know how to spell] finds many applications in products like: detergents, adhesives, water treatment agents, and cosmetics. Owing to its ability to modify the surface of cellulose fibers, PEI is employed as a wet-strength agent in the paper-making process. PEI has a number of uses in laboratory biology, especially tissue culture, but is also toxic to cells if used in excess. Toxicity is by two different mechanisms; the disruption of the cell membrane leading to necrotic cell death (immediate), and disruption of the mitochondrial membrane after internalization leading to apoptosis (delayed).

In other words - PEI is toxic and deadly to cells!

In another Abstract from PubMed in Aug 2020 -

Recent progress of GO as a potential vaccine carrier and adjuvant... Vaccination is one of the most effective strategies for preventing and controlling infectious diseases and some non-infectious diseases, especially cancers. Adjuvants and carriers have been appropriately added to the vaccine formulation to improve the immunogenicity of the antigen and induce long-lasting immunity.

However, there is an urgent need to develop new all-purpose adjuvants because some adjuvants approved for human use have limited functionality. Graphene oxide (GO), widely employed for the delivery of bio-molecules, excels in loading and delivering antigen and shows the potentiality of activating the immune system. However, GO aggregates in biological liquid and induces cell death, and it also exhibits poor bio-solubility and bio-compatibility.

It goes on to say that they are experimenting with "...certain modifications to induce the body to accept the GO." One might wonder what the term “limited functionality” alludes to.

Apparently GO, combined with PEG and PEI, wins gold stars for “delivering the payload” and induces the body’s immune system to rise to its full defense. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to want to go away after that and sticks around destroying any cell it comes in contact with. One might liken this amazing scientific accomplishment to coating razor blades with antifreeze in order to get the payload delivered to the targeted cells before the body quite knows what's going on. No permissions asked and no concerns for casualties. Poor bio-compatibility indeed.

This article pretty much says it all -  PubMed Central: Toxicity of Graphene-Family Nanoparticles. Their concluding statement in part -

In the past few years, GFNs have been widely utilized in a wide range of technological and biomedical fields. Currently, most experiments have focused on the toxicity of GFNs in the lungs and livers. Therefore, studies of brain injury or neurotoxicity deserve more attention in the future.

Over and over they have stated that GO can and does consistently cause cellular death. Why in the hell would they need to study it any further?!

Not Compatible With Life - Period!

From the Bioregulatory Medicine Institute, BRMI

Let us be clear, the mRNA inoculations (Pfizer and Moderna) are a synthetic, chimeric, pathogenic gene therapy. These have been sequenced from a computer simulation, not an isolated purified model.Apart from its cellular and metabolic toxicity, the other major concern is its accumulation in the body. It is an inorganic rather than an organic chemical and the body may have no enzymes or immune system components such as macrophages that can break it down or eliminate it.Apart from its cellular and metabolic toxicity, the other major concern is its accumulation in the body. It is an inorganic rather than an organic chemical and the body may have no enzymes or immune system components such as macrophages that can break it down or eliminate it... The general literature on GO identifies it as a viable delivery system for drug components. Therefore, it could also be assumed that Pfizer or Moderna included GO as an ingredient in their ‘proprietary mRNA formulations’ as one of its delivery components... Apart from its cellular and metabolic toxicity, the other major concern is its accumulation in the body. It is an inorganic rather than an organic chemical and the body may have no enzymes or immune system components such as macrophages that can break it down or eliminate it.

Apart from its cellular and metabolic toxicity, the other major concern is its accumulation in the body. It is an inorganic rather than an organic chemical and the body may have no enzymes or immune system components such as macrophages that can break it down or eliminate it.

On June 25, the Spanish television show, “El Gato al Agua”, a current affair show hosted by José Javier Esparza, broke the news that toxic nano-particulates of graphene oxide have been found in massive quantities in the mRNA Covid 19 [Pfizer] vials analyzed by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, and other biochemists and academics at the University of Almeria.

Graphene can also be exploited as a substrate for tissue engineering... The Neuralink Corporation is a neuro-technology company developing implantable brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) and was founded by Elon Musk and others. Musk defined the neural lace as a "digital layer (composed of graphene) above the cortex" that would not necessarily imply extensive surgical insertion but ideally an implant through a vein or artery (as from an inoculation jab). Musk explained that the long-term goal is to achieve "symbiosis with artificial intelligence"..

One of the odd phenomena that many are experiencing is that a magnet is sticking to their arm at the injection site. Pish-Posh, you say? You can read more about the magnetization aspects in this article and see videos on those who have been inoculated. Most of them seem quite surprised at the effect. You can also learn more about hydrogel from this article from Apparently, they are trying to develop a vaccine for cancer using mRNA technology and hydrogel.

This article from gives the details and claims they aren't having the greatest success. It's interesting how the body resists chemical manipulation.

According to Karen Kingston...

Former Pfizer employee, Karen Kingston, all mRNA vaccines contain pegylated lipid nano-particles. Kingston suspects that graphene oxide is not listed in the patent applications because it is a “Trade Secret”, which is not purview to the public. She notes that this was mentioned by Bill Gates in one of his speeches. She also states that GO is poisonous to humans and if positively charge can destroy everything around it. It is the main ingredient in hydrogel, which can be used to create a brain-computer interface [think Elon Musk] and as a drug delivery system.

Kingston notes that brain-computer interface is not possible “with this round" [of vaccines] because “they rushed this thing out” and “they’re just seeing how much they can put into people before they… die” – hence the need for the on-going boosters. Stew Peters suggests this round of so-called vaccines is a "dose-finding study". Karen Kingston on the Stew Peters show -  Full Video

To recap everything we've discussed so far - Graphene Oxide is an extremely diverse substance; it has razor blade sharpness; it is being used in various vaccines and medicines; it has to be accompanied by some sort of lipid to get it into the body without damaging cells; the lipids being used are poisonous; it has poor bio-solubility and bio-compatibility, meaning it does not dissolve and it doesn't get along well with the body; it actually kills cells and/or causes them to kill themselves; it becomes magnetic at body temperature; it is the main ingredient in hydrogel; it has been proven by several people to be present in the C-19 inoculation vials, even though it is widely claimed that it isn't and is not listed on the ingredients list.

Graphene Oxide is a complicated, controversial subject. Somewhere along the line, someone figured that if GO is so amazing in the development of super capacitors, batteries, light-weight metals, solar panels, and a myriad of other things, it just might be the perfect thing to add to vaccines. Never mind that studies have shown that it cuts right through cell membranes and could wreak havoc if accidentally released into the water systems of the planet. "We won’t know until we try", seems to be their motto.

Please ask yourself this question...

Is there anything in this information that would indicate that Graphene Oxide is something that could be considered safe to inject into yourself or your children?

For even more information about GO, read this article by Carla Peeters on the Global Covid Summit website.